(or, how about a good old-fashioned Gregorian chant?)
“For every action, there is
an equal and opposite reaction.”
~Sir Isaac Newton
Or, possibly, Sir Fig
Newton. Or maybe Jimmy Neutron.
Anyway, someone said it and
life since then tells us they were either very right or highly quotable.
Since the beginning of the
Christian faith, believers have gathered together and sung. (See Matthew 26:30, Mark 14:26 and Acts 16:25
among other verses.) In the early days,
I’m guessing they sang the Jewish songs they had grown up with, but shortly
after that, I’m sure they began writing their own hymns. Some people have even suggested that certain
parts of the books of Paul may be him quoting early hymns.
And, I’m relatively sure,
that when the first Christian songwriter wrote the first Christian hymn and
presented it to the loving fellowship he worshiped with, the loving members of
his fellowship beat him to an ever-loving pulp and excommunicated him.
Eventually, his song caught
on and other people wrote similar songs in a similar style and they were for
the most part well-received. The problem
arose when someone wrote another song that was just as theologically sound, and
the loving members of his (or her) church family shouted epithets at him (or
her) until they broke down crying and agreed to only write songs in the way
songs had always been written
because that was the way God wanted
songs written!
Flash forward a couple
thousand years, with the knowledge that this cycle has been repeated throughout
church history for the entire time of the church’s existence, and we come to
“modern times” where we have become so sophisticated that we no longer
excommunicate or beat anyone for music we don’t like, we just write blogs like
this and articles for “Christianity Tomorrow” about “Why My Music Makes Me
Holier Than Your Music, Which Will Undoubtedly Land You in the Screaming Infant
Section of Hell”.
Lately, the articles I have
been reading are about these wonderfully enlightened “worship leaders” (some of
whom are so enlightened they’ve gone
back to calling themselves “song-leaders”—just like Paul probably referred to
his leader of songs back when he was conducting those brush-arbor revivals in
Troas, Iconium and the southern section of Macedonia) who have been leading
their congregations in praise choruses for several years* before coming to the
surprise knowledge that, “Hey, some of those old hymns aren’t so bad!”
So they lead their
congregations in hymns and write blogs about what “diadem” and “Ebenezer” mean
and how much better and “richer” and “fuller” is the lyrical content of the old
hymns, forgetting that some old hymns have all the theological and/or spiritual
depth of an old Burger King jingle. I’m
looking at you, “Church in the Wildwood”.
Meanwhile, they feel a need
to denigrate the modern “worship choruses”, lumping them all into a “too
repetitive and emotion-only” bag that is remarkably similar to the bag they
used to lump all the old hymns into. In
other words, for every action (in this case, a swing toward choruses), there is
an equal and opposite reaction (back to hymns).
I’m not going to make one of
those “can’t we all agree that … “ pleas, because that would be like trying to
get all Americans to agree on and vote for the “sane” party. However, if I were going to try and build a consensus it would be that we all
admit that not all hymns are great and not all choruses are bad. If I had to put an intellectual and
well-written hymn, for instance, against a repetitive chorus that quotes
Scripture … well, what if I like them both, for different reasons and for
different uses? Maybe my spiritual diet
would be best served with portions of both
emotion and intellect.
This might well be delivered
by a single leading voice, a choir, a worship team, a person on guitar, twelve
people on guitars, a keyboardist or someone with limited rhythm playing the drums. (I just don’t understand the need for all
church drummers these days to be surrounded by enormous spit guards. If they’re worried about loogies from the
teens, that’s what the moving guitar players are there for: interference.)
I think the real reason we
like arguing hymns versus choruses is a] because we want to validate our
personal preferences and 2] a well-presented argument on the subject makes us
feel superior. That being said, maybe we’d
all do well now and then to participate (participate,
not just sit and listen) in a worship service that takes us wildly out of our
comfort zone.
*There are some churches who
have been singing the same chorus
over and over for all those years, because apparently no one knows how “Pass it
On” is supposed to end.