The second installment (of four) of "All the Time in Our World" is now available on Amazon's Kindle platform. It picks up exactly where Part 1 left off (no re-cap), so go get part one, if you haven't already!
The series of lakes that Edward and Marianne cross are in what we know today as the Canadian River Valley in the Texas panhandle. The idea came from Lake Meredith, which was created by putting a dam across the Canadian in a natural canyon. When they built it, however, it never occurred to the engineers that Amarillo might grow and, so, due to heavy water useage the lake is a pathetic shadow of what it was twenty years ago. Most of the boat ramps are a good mile from the water (which is really hard on the props!).
Still, it's a pretty place to go, especially in the spring. And one day a couple years ago I got to thinking what it would be like if we were to just dam up the whole canyon and let the river fill it to the rim with water. From there, it was a natural progression to envision a society that dams up the entire river valley every vew miles creating a series of lakes (or loches?) as both a source of water for their cities and a barrier against their enemies. I'm sure some engineer could point out to me the flaws in this plan, but I could also point out the engineers who said we'd never successfully achieve flight, nuclear power, or aerosol cheese.
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