Thinkers and feelers who
have the same end goal in mind can’t seem to get along.
I thought about that opening
sentence being my headline, but I don’t like long headlines (long headlines
used in the past not withstanding) because they make me think of either
tabloids or The Onion.
Anyway, it’s been said that
there are two kinds of people in this world: those who divide everyone into two
categories and those who don’t. With
that in mind, I’m going to be one of those people and divide most church-going
people into two (quite possibly ill-named) categories: thinkers and feelers.
Being overly-generalizing,
the thinkers are those who prefer to approach all matters of spirituality,
faith or the church in terms of facts and figures. They really like apologetics, they tend to
study their Bibles in an analytical and methodical fashion, and if given a
choice they’re going to choose exegetical over topical every time when it comes
to sermons.
Being an equal opportunity
generalizer, the feelers prefer to approach the above from a standpoint of
feelings. A song or hymn, for instance,
is usually appealing to them more in terms of how it “affects the spirit” than
for it’s musical precision or lyrical rhyme scheme.
Both of these groups—within
the church, anyway—have a sincere desire to grow closer to God, to be good
Christians, and to see the people around them won to Christ. Unfortunately, we spend most of our time with
infighting, thwarting all three of those goals to one extent or another but—most
especially—that one of winning others to Christ.
For instance, we recently
went through Lee Strobel’s video series “The Case for Christ” at our church and
discovered that “the thinkers” identified best with Lee and his analytical
approach to “gospel discovery”: interviews, lots of reading, listed and
annotated facts; while “the feelers” tended to identify more with Lee’s wife:
not disdainful of the research, but more influenced by the movement of the Holy
Spirit in a way that seems, to “the thinker”, to be pretty esoteric.
We had a good discussion
Sunday night, but I’ve seen it too many times that the two groups can’t come
together on this—and, you can tell, think little of the “opposing side” in the
discussion (when, really, we shouldn’t even be in opposition). The feelers think the thinkers have taken all
the joy and spirit out of experiencing God and, by inference, begin to doubt
whether the thinkers have the Holy Spirit in their lives at all. The thinkers, at the same time, are thinking
that the feelers have overemphasized non-quantifiable feelings to the point
that they are no longer thinking at all and—by inference—are probably easily
swayed in their thinking because they aren’t really thinking at all. This, of
course, is seen by anyone on the outside of the discussion as just one more
thing to turn them off about church and faith.
I am pretty sure I fall into
the “thinking” camp, but I am frequently reminded that I need the feelers. I can get
so wrapped up in my facts and figures that, while well informed, I start to
become short on things like joy and compassion (even while being more convinced
than ever before of the “facts of the gospel”).
The feelers I know, I am sure they need us thinkers around, too, so that
their feelings don’t get carried away and overwhelm the gospel message.
[One of the problems,
though, is that we’re both so convinced that our way is the right way that we
begin to think we a] don’t need the other side because 2] our way is so perfect
it won’t allow us to stumble.]
We’re told that iron
sharpens iron, but if you’re sharpening a blade an even better substance is
flint. Maybe we need some iron around to
keep us strong, but we also need some people around us who are striving for the
same goal but built fundamentally different from us.
Which are you? Wait, don't declare a side, just take a look at how bad you need the other side.